FAQ - Frequently asked Questions
FAQ - Frequently asked Questions
Do you have stock?
Our website runs a live Stock system. If our website shows Add To Cart, or IN STOCK, then you can 99.9% guarantee we have it in stock in our very own warehouse. The only exception to these is Pre-Order items which are clearly marked Pre-order and require to you tick a box to confirm you know its Pre-order. Items where you cant add it to the shopping cart are automatically disabled when there is an item out of stock. If you do have any items that are out of stock you will be unable to complete the checkout on our store. Please contact us or remove the item that's out of stock so you can complete the checkout process. If you are still unsure just drop us an email and we can confirm.
What payments do you accept?
Online - We take both Debit and Credit Cards, Paypal or Bank transfer.
In Store - We accept Debit and Credit cards, bank transfer and cash.
Ordering and Shipping
How do I place an order?
Simply login to your account and add any items you wish into
your shopping cart. When you are ready to checkout you can click on checkout
and follow the steps as provided. If you have a coupon code or discount voucher
to use please click on SHOPPING CART, at the top of the page before checking
out. Here you can scroll down, click on COUPON CODE, then simply enter your voucher
code and hit the APPLY button at the end. This will add the discount to your
shopping cart, now simply click on CHECKOUT and follow the process.
Can I modify or cancel my order after it's been placed?
Yes, we are more than happy to assist, drop us an email via
the contact us form and we can amend the invoice and resend it to you. Of
course if we have already shipped the order we will need you to return the
incorrect items before we can resend the new parcel out.
Do you ship internationally?
Most definitely! Due to variation in costs all orders over 2kg in weight, and some worldwide locations will not show any shipping options. In this case simply place the order online, use PICKUP FROM STORE as your shipping option and under notes ask us to quote you. We will upon receipt of the order email you final shipping costs.
When will i receive my order?
As we are a rural location our shipping is as follows:
We aim to ship all orders placed before 12am the same day,
depending on when the couriers collect we often get later parcels in too, but
this is not always guaranteed.
Small parcels usually ship overnight, larger parcels
especially kits over 1m etc are either on a 2 day service, or Extra large kits
(50cc plus) are on a 48-72 hour service.
We do offer express overnight shipping on Larger orders, see
the website for prices on checkout or contact us to confirm additional costs.
Worldwide parcels times vary and we will give estimated delivery times when quoting
Can I track my order?
Yes, once your order has been shipped you will get an automated
email from the website with tracking information. You can also log in to your
account at any time to see the progress of your order and tracking information.