This set is also available in any drop (min 45mm) as well as to suit DA70, DLA 64, GP 76, DLE 60, if you require any of these options please drop us an email to order.
MTW - Set Y1 : GP 76cc
this is a complete header and cannister set with a 65mm Drop and contains
1 x 2 into 1 - Y header (with flanges to fit GP 76cc)
1 x TDH 110 silencer
1 x Y Teflon Joiner and 3 clamps
This set is a direct drop in fit on the Pilot RC Extra NG 90 inch airframes, or any other airframe that requires a 65mm Drop.

MTW - Set Y1 - GP76cc / TDH110 cannister set
- Brand: MTW |Cannisters and pipes
- Product Code: MTW - Set Y1 - GP76cc / TDH110 cannister set
- Availability: PRE-ORDER
- AerobatX Product ID: 3019
- Ex Tax: £250.83
Available Options
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